Heritage Keepers
Heritage Keepers Round 4 is closed for applications.
We will re-open for applications September 2025
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates!
We are thrilled to announce that the latest round of the National Heritage Keepers
Programme will begin this November with a brand new network of Heritage Keepers! Through a series of online workshops our new Heritage Keepers will be empowered to delve into their local heritage and allow them to take positive funded action for their community.
For those eager to learn more about this wonderful opportunity for next year, click here to watch our recorded information session.
Watch this video for smooth sailing through Heritage Keepers!
"I feel the very act of focusing in on our local space, through the different heritage lenses, just that close looking and discussion awoke or deepened in many of the children their sense of belonging in their communities, their sense of pride in their place and ultimately a sense of agency in regard to it." – Teacher
"Heritage Keepers has reinvigorated my resolve to do more to educate, lead and take part in projects in my community." – Community member
Have fun, learn something new, make a difference – become a Heritage Keeper!
Heritage Keepers is run by Burrenbeo Trust and is partially funded by The Sunflower Charitable Foundation through Community Foundation Ireland