Heritage Keepers
Here you will find range of the resource that are used during the Heritage Keepers programme, as well as some instruction videos.
Heritage Keepers Resource Book

How-to Videos
Guides for using resources from HK workshops such as
Heritage Maps, Dúchas, Census Archive, and the National Biodiversity Data Centre
Access os Maps
Search The folklore collection
View Historic Maps
Find Local protected sites
Investigate built heritage
View Census Archive
Find Local Species list
Consider local land use
Resources for Heritage Projects
Every group who participates in Heritage Keepers will plan an action or project. Below you will find links to all sorts of useful advice that might help you with your projects.

Built Heritage
Cultural Heritage
Natural Heritage
Community Archaeology Projects
Guidance manual for community archaeology -Adopt a Monument
Graveyard Recording
Creating a Heritage Trail
General advice (from Fingal County Council but applicable to all of Ireland)
General advice (Pages 32-52)
Ideas for interpreting heritage sites
Aimed at TY students but relevant to anyone planning a heritage trail
Examples of trails from previous Heritage Keepers projects:
Old buildings care
Maintenance: a guide to the care of older buildings (Donnelly, 2007)
Conservation & Repair of Masonry Ruins
Energy efficiency in older buildings
The conservation of Historic ground surfaces

Coastal Heritage
A summary of Irelands Coastal heritage
Has links to general information on what makes up Irelands Coastal heritage
A great website for information on Irelands natural coastal heritage

Resources for Teachers
Oral History Projects
General advice and access to step by step guidelines
Intangible cultural heritage
Ireland intangible cultural heritage inventory
Online library access. Provides links to all of Irelands county libraries
Performing, Promoting and Preserving Irelands Intangible Heritage (video of live event - 1 hr)

Events, Communications & Funding
Showcasing local heritage – making podcasts, videos and more
Communicating your project - webinar video
Holding a heritage event
How best to reach your target audiences.
Top tips for a sustainable event
Funding (other than HK funding)
General information on funding available to community groups in Ireland
Community water development fund
Helping Pollinators
10 actions to help pollinators from the National Biodiversity Data Centre
Planting trees for pollinators
Garden and flower bed planting for pollinators
Create pollinator nesting sites
Managing hedgerow for pollinators
Creating a pollinator friendly Sensory Garden
Tree planting
A tree planting guide for County Clare but applicable to all of Ireland
Orchard planting
Aimed at farmers but applicable to all
Guidelines for Communities Managing Local Wetlands & Peatlands
General information on raised bog
Video on peatland restoration in Ireland
Pond building
Step by step instructions on how to build a pond for wildlife (Page 32-33)
3 minute video on how to build a pond
15 min video on dos and don’ts of pond construction
Hedgerow care
Managing healthy hedgerows – a 5 min video from the National Biodiversity Data Centre
Creating a wildflower meadow
'How-to’ video from the National Biodiversity Data Centre (8mins)
Why wildflower sees mixes are NOT recommended
Meadows for biodiversity - video from National Biodiversity Data Centre (20mins)
Pollinator friendly grassland management
Semi-natural grasslands in Ireland precious resources under threat
Enhancing wildlife in towns and villages
Conserving and Enhancing Wildlife in Town and Villages
Making bird and bat boxes
Gardening for biodiversity – includes bird and bat box info
Invasive species